Pages: 440,
Specialty: Anesthesiology,
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer,
Publication Year: 2019,
Cover: Paperback,
Dimensions: 213x276x25.4mm
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With contributors from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the unique and thorough Anesthesia Review: 1000 Questions and Answers to Blast the BASICS and Ace the ADVANCED covers both BASIC or ADVANCED levels of Anesthesiology training in a single volume. Any resident in Anesthesiology will find a gold mine of material-including topic-specific chapters with exam-like questions, answers with explanations, and references for further, in-depth review-for fast, efficient preparation.
Format and style of questions align directly with what you'll encounter on actual exams.
Perfect for Anesthesiology Residents, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, and Advanced Practice Nurses.
Answer explanations include reasons for incorrect answers, as well as references for further study, ideal for anyone who wants more help with topics.
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