Specialties: Orthopaedics, Anatomy,
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer,
Publication Year: 2010,
Cover: Wallchart,
Dimensions: 508x660.4x2.54mm
Anatomy and Injuries of the Spine Anatomical Chart includes normal anatomy of the spine and common injuries. This chart focuses on injuries rather than disorders and includes fractures, herniated disc, and spinal cord injury.Clearly labeled full color illustrations show nomal spine anatomy and a cross-section view of a vertebra. Also included are anterior and posterior depictions of the Dematome map. The following injuries are shown with clearly labeled illustrations:HyperextensionHyperflexionBurner/StingerSpondylolisthesis with cord injuryDislocation of thoracic vertebraBurst FractureCompression FractureSpondylolysisBurst fracture of thoracic vertebraHerniated disc Made in the USA.Available in the following versions : 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9780781786676 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9780781786669show more