Pages: 424,
Specialty: Medical Dictionary,
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett,
Publication Year: 2009,
Cover: Paperback,
Dimensions: 187.96x238.76x17.78mm
Using a unique approach, this book is designed to give students an introduction to and basic working knowledge of medical terminology. The focus is on learning the most common medical term components, using these term components to build terms, and analyzing the use of these terms in health records. Its unique approach consists of 3 key elements: programmed learning (perfect for self-study or classroom instruction); contextual learning (students learn the terminology and in how they will encounter the terminology: Signs and Symptoms, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic); and concise content (students are only presented with the key facts and pertinent information.) To bring the content to life, the student will actually follow a cast of characters, including doctors, healthcare providers, and more