Pages: 2850,
Specialty: Medical Dictionary,
Publisher: F.A. Davis EuroSpan,
Publication Year: 2013,
Cover: Hardback,
Dimensions: 144.78x228.6x66.04mm
Taber's 22 bring meanings to life! In hand, online, or on your mobile device-anywhere and everywhere, Taber's 22 is the all-in-one, go-to source in the classroom, clinical, and beyond. Under the editorial direction of Donald Venes, MD, MSJ, a team of expert consulting editors and consultants, representing nearly every health care profession, ensures that the content reflects the most current healthcare information. A wealth of resources puts the language of nursing, medicine and the healthcare professions at your fingertips...Features: Web, mobile, and print platforms-ensure access in any setting; crossword puzzles, flashcards, and listen-and-learn activities - meet the needs of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners; over 30,000 audio pronunciations - build speaking confidence; must-know, rarely memorized information; Appendices for normal reference laboratory values and prefixes, suffices, and combining forms, as well as abbreviations, symbols, and units of measurement, documentation system definitions, and complementary and alternative medicine; full-color illustrations of anatomy and physiology, and photographs of diseases and disorders; translations of common healthcare terms and phrases in English, French, and Spanish.
The tools for success: Patient Care Statements summarize assessment, treatment, and patient teaching requirements; Caution/Safety Statements set in red bars with an easy-to find icon highlight information critical to safe patient care; Nursing-focused appendices include all NANDA-approved diagnoses organized alphabetically and by diseases/disorders, NIC intervention labels and definitions, and NOC outcome labels and definitions. This is the state-of-the-art in healthcare and medicine. This is the brand-new Taber'sPlus, the online center for interactive, multimedia learning activities and healthcare resources. New: over 100 videos linked directly to entries; over 8,000 brand-new entries, over 65,000 in all; over 500 new, full-color illustrations, over 1,200 in all; and, over 1,500 new audio pronunciations, nearly 32,000 in more