Pages: 310,
Specialty: Neurosurgery,
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett,
Publication Year: 2014,
Cover: Paperback,
Dimensions: 81.28x129.54x15.24mm
The Tarascon Neurosurgery Pocketbook brings neurologists, neurosurgeons and residents the most convenient and comprehensive pocket reference available today. This concise, organized pocket guide is packed with essential lists, figures, & tables providing instant reminders of hard-to-remember, vital clinical information. This pocket reference guide covers an array of neurosurgery topics including brain tumors. No other Neurologic reference of this kind incorporates neurosurgery, neurology and neuro-critical care in one reference. The Tarascon Neurosurgery Pocketbook is an unmatched resource for neurosurgeons and trainees. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical editionshow more