Pages: 500,
Specialty: Oncology,
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer,
Publication Year: 2021,
Cover: Cards,
Dimensions: 102x152x113mm
Face the oncology board exam with confidence! Oncology Rapid Review, created and edited by Drs. Utkarsh H. Acharya and Tejaswini Dhawale, is a conveniently portable, effective review tool that helps you prepare for this comprehensive and challenging exam. Sturdy, full-color flash cards provide a focused, case-based review anytime, anywhere.
Over 500 cards, 6" x 4", illustrated in full color.
Card front asks either clinical case or case-independent high-yield questions.
Card back provides the correct answer and rationale.
Expertly authored topics include American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Medical Oncology Certification blueprint-based content spanning from therapeutics to a wide spectrum of neoplastic disorders.
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