Specialty: Urology,
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer,
Publication Year: 2004,
Cover: Wallchart,
Dimensions: 508x660.4x2.54mm
Diseases of the Urinary Tract is a comprehensive chart illustrating common diseases of the Urinary tract.
Simple, easy to understand central image of the urinary tract shows the organs involved and the affects of the disease.Includes the following diseases:
chronic pyelonephritis multiple renal calculi glomerulonephritis acute renal failure staghorn calculus papillary necrosis renovascular hypertension renal artery stenosis adenocarcinoma of kidney transitional-cell carcinoma of renal pelvis hydonephrosis transitional-cell carcinoma of ureter cysts in ureter kidney stone obstructing the ureter ureteral stricture compression of ureter transitional cell carcinoma of bladder bladder stones bladder diverticulum neurogenic bladder benign prostatic hypertrophy prostatitis adenocarcinoma of prostate urethral stricture urethritis cystitis cystica glandularis carcinoma of urethra Made in the USA.
Available in the following versions :
20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587792410 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9781587792427show more