Pages: 693,
Specialty: Periodontics,
Publisher: Elsevier India,
Publication Year: 2021,
Cover: Paperback
Fundamentals of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, 3e written by leading authorities in the subject of Periodontology in the country, will cater to the needs of the 4th year undergraduate students. It would also be useful for postgraduate dental students, dental hygienists and private practitioners. This comprehensive text guides all the essentials in the field of periodontology including aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of periodontal diseases at all stages of severity and in combination with other phases of dental care.
Extensively revised with the most recent advances in periodontology and implantology
Case based scenarios are provided at the end of relevant chapters for application of clinical knowledge gained from the chapters
Important Key Points are summarized at the end of each chapter for quick revision
Presented in a student-friendly format with more line diagrams, high quality clinical pictures, radiographs, tables, flowcharts and boxes for better understanding of the subject
Emphasizes on understanding the clinical phenomena in terms of underlying tissue changes, thereby, correlating basic sciences with clinical aspects of periodontal disease and the various therapeutic measures currently in use
Includes completely updated chs like Cementum, Dental plaque, Clinical features of gingivitis, Role of iatrogenic and other local factors in periodontal disease, Periodontal instrumentation, Plaque control, Periodontal flap surgery, Peri-implantitis
15 Educational videos as digital resource on
Case- based scenarios provided in relevant chs for bridging the gap between theory and practice
Clinical Aspect of learned concepts emphasized with addition of more than 200 new line arts
Viva-voce and MCQ with answers given for all the chapters provided to recapitulate learnt concepts
Elaborate material on Case history recording and clinical examination provided in chapter on Clinical Diagnosis
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